Friday 13 September 2024

Magazine progress

 Front cover one:

I started to progress my magazine. I added my Main front cover magazine. The image i used was a mid, low shot and the person staring into the camera which suggest direct address. I added the masthead at the top, the date where it was relased under the masthead amd then began to add the tagline, cover line. 

I have carried on developing my first front cover of the magazine. I worked on doing the cover-lines, the typography and the layout. Figuring out the typography was hard since I didn't really know what to do with it and or how to lay it out, for the main cover line i made it bigger then the rest of the cover line by smaller then the masthead, i used a serif to keep the idea of classics and to resprest the classics side because a serif font is more traditional and formal, although I stilled wanted to keep the idea some moden aspect for the younger audience, I used a san-serif to seprate the cover line and for it to grab the audience attention. I changed my cover lines couple of times because I didn't like them and felt it wasn't good enough for my magazine.  

I also changed the date and the typography for the relased date to the same as mt taglines to make it match. I changed the typography to a san-serif to make the magazine represent the moden aspects as well as the classics which is being shown though the serif front because the serif font is much more classic and traditional whereas with a san-serif font its represent more of the moden aspect and less traditional.  

I added a puff onto the magazine, I used an esclipse tool and copied and pasted it and made it smaller the the other one. With the same font type for my tagline, i made it bolder and moved it onto it side. I also carried on doing my banner and finished that off, the i added the barcode and price. I moved the main coverline to the right hand side because the colour blended in with the background. 

Content Page one: 

I began to start doing my content page for the first front cover for my magazine. I used the same font for my masthead and for my coverline. I used a grey/white colour that matches the person shirt because the green i use for my masthead was blended into the background, the grey didn't blend in. I began to map out where i wanted my photos and where the text will be. Using a simple square tool, i used it to indicate where the image will be placed. I began to name the different content using the same typface as the heading. I changed the colour of the text back to green but made it lighter because i still wanted to keep my green theme and so it can match my front cover so they link. 

Front cover two: 

Monday 9 September 2024

plan website-

video plan- introduction to the website and magazine, whats the website/magazine is about and what it entails. Talks about the values of the website and what they are aiming to do.  {19th september}

complete front cover {first cover}- 23-27 september 
Content page {first page}- october
photoshoot- 20th september 

Thursday 18 July 2024

Website progress


I have started off with my website by trying to figure out the colour palette and the typography. 

I started on my website design, i used the colour sage green for the background colour which fitted with my logo for the magazine, i want to be able to show that the website and magazine are linked together and are the same. At the very top of the page i began adding the logo, the menu bar, social media links and the search bar. underneath that, i will add the video. At the very bottom, i did the footer. i added a number for the busines/magazine, a email and social media links. 

I got some box's so i can place where i want the images and the text to be for my homepage for a template before adding the image and text. For my homepage i want to have a couple of my magazine and a few articles.

strolling down under the magazine and articles template with the box, i added another box where i want my video to be and under that the core values of my website. 

I went onto my news menu and started placing some boxs where i want the image for my news to be and how many i want. 

Monday 8 July 2024



I have created some different logos, I knew the typography i wanted which was a serif font. A serif is traditional and also very classic which is what i wanted for my logo, because the magazine i am going for a classic country magazine. I tested out different fonts to see which one work best. 

Thursday 4 July 2024

statement of intent

 Monday 1st July 2024.   statement of intent

the main concept is a magazine cover and my genre is a country music. The brief fits into the gerne since the brief says independent publisher. The audience are 16-to25- years olds who are interested in country music, the concept will attract the audience because the brief has to be niche and have a love for country music and are willing to adventure more into the world country especially the classics which is my sub genre. The concept will fit into the core vaules by showing it through images since i want to represent a positive representation of diversity, love, passion and equity. This link to the audience because they might have smilier lifestyle. The mise-en-scene can create intertextuality by the outfits which the audience will able to recognised and know its country, most of the camera work will be mid, low angle shot, the coverline and tagline will mention the classics and famous artist and bands which will create intertexulity. This representation i want to create through the mise-en-scene is stereotype for the clothes for the most part but also want to go against the stereotype in some of my photos, however the layout and editing will go against the stereotype, this will attract the audience because it will be slightly different and i think the target audience will enjoy something new and different. 
I really like how the maverick homepage looks like and i want to do something similar to that but with a different colour palette like an orange, brown red and any natural colours which will fit the style of how my magazine will look as the style and the theme to link together so you can recognised the branding. The heading/bar menu will be at the top, the contact, emails, the publisher will be at the footer of the website whereas the social media links will be at the top with the banner and the menu bar. This will get the audience attention because its teen and young adults which are interested and spend time on social media seeing that the website has social media will get them to interact more. I want my website to be simple but welcoming where the audience will find these that interested them, i want to do that by using lexis in articles and features pages, including the about us page. 

Friday 7 June 2024


Lo: To plan effective and creative content for a specific audience

1. What is the sub genre and name of the magazine: 
name- home country, 
subculture- classic country

2. Write an overview of your magazine-what vaules will stand for/how will it be represented/what sort of content will it include/how will it appeal to the TA: 
The values they will stand for is passion and diversity along with love and family. I want the values to be represented through the model and will be shown in content page and on the front cover, but also through the MES. This will appeal to the target audience because i want them to feel a connection and also be able to relate to these things, but also they might have similar lifestyle and values for which they can relate too.

3. Do a pinterest board/mood board showing the design style ideas you have for the house style and another for content:  

{I could not find actual content pages however i did take inspiration of things i found on pinterest and the layout gave me a few ideas for the content.}

4. detail at least 20 possible article subjects which could be included on your contents pages/cover lines- these should link to ideologies and TA: 

Main coverline-  The artist 


coverlines- exclusive interviews {Dolly parton country journey}
20 questions {Tim McGraw}
New song released {Taylor swift}

5. come up with possible section headings for your contents pages:
Features- Bands/artist 
reviews- Reviews on new songs/albums from the audience 
regulars- News, tour, new album being released
charts- World wide best country song, Uk best country song, top 10 best country songs. 

6. Develop a possible layout sketch for your cover and contents- make sure terminology is correct and included positioning of text, images and features: 

7. detail possible photoshoot ideas images: setting/MES/style/model etc: 
first photoshoot: the model will be my friend and she will be In a place with trees in the background, with a guitar, wearing a white T-shirt, a black skirt, low angle shot, mid shot, hair wavy and down and she will be wearing a cowboy hat, i picked the white shirt because its very traditonal within the country music magazines where the female wears it. 

Second photoshoot: A male model that will be my older brother {if he isn't busy}, I want him to be looking out into the open scenery, I want him to be wearing a black button up shirt and  i want it to be a mid shot or a close up shot, i want him to be wearing black jeans. 

Third photoshoot: Another female model that will be my long distance friend, I want her to be wearing a white T-shirt, blue ripped jeans and some boots, I want the camera shot to be a long shot and low angel or a mid low angle shot, i want her to be staring directly into the camera because i want to create a direct address. 

Website planning

1.Write an overview of your website-what values will it stand for/how it be represented/what sort of content will it include/how will it target the TA: 

The values that i am thinking off are love, passion, diversity and equality. i will represent these core values through the artist and article and i will have a page explore how and why i want to achieve the values. The content will talk about the lifestyle of country and the passion for the music, I will have a section where the audience have gave review and why they like country music, it will target the audience because they can share why they are passionate about country and it might link with there values and lifestyle as country music tends to be about love and family. a pinterest board/mood board showing the design style ideas you have for the website

3.Magazine: detail at least 10 possible article subject which could be included on your homepage/link page
arist from the magzine
features and news and update

4.come up with possible section heading for your website homepage
core values 

5.explain your ideas for audio visual content what will it show/how will it match the ideology of the brand/what style will it be etc. 
I might do a interview of the artist where they talk about why they are passinoate about doing counrty music or I make one where they talk about the core values {i will add westen music in the background and have different clips} 

6.detail possible photoshoot ideas for website images: settings/MES/style etc. 
photoshoot one- I want to do a mid low angle shot of my model and have her staring into the camera to give direct address and show she has power. I want her to represent gender and it will link to the one of the core values which is equality. I want my first model to be dressed in white clothing because when i did my research the female model tend to be dressed in white clothes that look nice. 

photoshoot two- I want to do a close up on my friend where she staring out into the open or do a mid shot where she sitting down on the grass with a guilter while looking down. I want her to be wearing dark clothes and her to be representing a different nationality which will fit into my other core value which is divisity but also equality. 

7Look on and for possible website templates that match your style and design needs. screenshot.


date under masthead
masthead at the top of the page
cover/tagline down the bottom

Cover-line/tagline plans
 ALEXANDRA DRAGOMIR- new album being released 

Thursday 23 May 2024

research page

Thursday 23rd May 2024


For the main concept for my main product is to create a country music magazine and website. The target audience for this brief is primarily 16-25 year old, I want to use people of different ages, gender and race. I took my inspiration from the Maverick which is an independent country music magazine, there isn't a lot of independent country music magazine, but since i did find maverick its stills apply to the brief and theme. 
The main target audience tend to be straight females that listen to country music. I want to be able to attract the target audience by showing a ranges of ages, race, gender and ethnicities to show that my magazine is very diverses and accepting. 
For the core values of the institution I took a few ideas and inspiration from Maverick, they talked about their core values which are to embrace passion, diversity, commitment and inspiration. I took a few inspiration from them such as the diversity and passion. I want to show these values through my magazine but also my website. 
The technial codes that emphasises my ideas are the uses of mise-en-scene, the stereotypes for a females arties they seem to either wear black or white clothing and for the male they are usually wearing black, the camera shot is usually a mid shot, however i also want to use a low angel and want to show different uses of intertextuality by looking at different country/westen film and look at music videos to help me explore the intertextuality.  For the front cover i want to use a mid shot and a low angle and for the content pages i might do a double page spread and use a wide shot. 
The representation will attract the audience between the ages of 16-25 because I want to show the different things that the audience will understand through the use of mise-en-scene and the uses of intertextuality, I want to create a happy and positives representation that will attract the audience.  

Friday 24th May 2024


-The design colour platte I want to have is either a sage green or a deep dark green, or a deep red, i like the nature colours that are dark. For the banner I think i like for it to be a deep dark green, the typography I might make it a white san-serif so it can be bold and stand out from the green. I want the menu bar to have a music playlist like maverick does, i really like that idea and it will attract the audience into listening to their playlist and interact and I also want to have a review option where the audience can say there opion on the top songs this is so the audience can have an insight of what other people thought of the songs. 
-There will be a page about the values and what the website and magazine is wanting and are aiming for and it will also have a video explaining what the website is about. The social media links will be at the top but also the bottom, i want to try and attract the audience with the social media platform. The social media links will be at the very top with the contact us. There will also be the publiser name at the bottom along with an email address and phone number where the audience can get in touch. 
-The website will be structured where it will most likely to grab your attention, the social media will give more information about different things such as events, tour and even behind the scene of photoshoot, artist interviews and many other things that will grab the audience attention, this also allow interactivity and help the promotion of the products. The social media give a chance for the audience to comment under a post and the home page will show the latest magazine that is avauable to buy. 
-The Audi-visual content that i plan on producing is a video that will explain the reason behind the magazine and website, i will make it appeal to the audience by making it seem like a trailer and also add effects to the video. This will appeal to the audience because it will be teenagers and people in there mid 20s that will most likely to be interacting with the website and video and the video needs to be interesting for them to explore farer into the website. 
-My website will reflect the name record company/channel and publisher through the core values.
-The visual elements of the website will keep the readers hook on the pages since the news, events and other things will be kept short but also still giving the needed information while also having a photos to keep the audience interested and make them explore other pages. 

-Its important that there is a synergy and branding in the media industries because both the website and magazine promote each other but it also easy for the audience/readers to realise that the website and the magazine are linked together. A way to help the audience/readers to realise they are linked together. I am thinking about using the same colour platte for both the website and magazine along with the same logo/masthead which will be the biggest link to both of these two product, I will also be linking these together by using some of the photos that will be shown in the magazine. The colour of the banner will be linked to the magazine masthead. The typface will most likely to be a bold san-serif.
-The main product will be shown on the home page of the website to try and promote the magazines and to try and grab the audience attention by doing so, On the magazine i will add something to let the audience to try and interact with the website and inform them that there is a website you can look at and be informed about information and events. I will add a QR code somewhere on the magazine so the readers can scan them with their phones since its teenagers to young adults that the magazine/website is being aimed at they will most likely to have a devies of some sort to scan the magazine. 
-I think what will make my website unique is sharing different race and ethnicity where most country website and even magazine usually showing a white american, i want to go against that stereotype and show people different race and even sexuality. 
-For the social media produce synergy would be to be post about different events that are and is currently happening such as tour, gigs and live events, but also about new magazine, album, interview with different artist and having those artist cover other songs. This will get the audience attention since the fans might be interest in these events, new albums and other news. The social media will have a link to the website and also promoting their new magazines. 

Thursday 6th May 2024.   Target audience

Demographics- age, gender, profession, location and martal status
Psychographics- Personality, values, activities, interests and opinons. 

My primarily target audience: 
Demographics: 16-25 years old 
psychographics- likes to be entertained 

The audience is a mixture of female and males who are between the ages of 16-25 who are working class and like to be entertained. They value family and love over money and luxury things. There love living in the suburban areas and are passionate about love and happiness. They often listen to country music because they resonate with the song and evoking a sense of empathy and connection. 

Magazine progress

 Front cover one: I started to progress my magazine. I added my Main front cover magazine. The image i used was a mid, low shot and the pers...